
Hello, everyone! Welcome to my food blogger.

First, lemme introduce myself. My name is Filipi Phoebe, born on 29 July 1998 in Jakarta, Indonesia (and I proud be Indonesian!). My hobbies are dancing and make a choreography, writing in Wattpad Community (you can check it : Fallen Sapphire, Golden Emerald, and Elastic Heart (one shot) stories I had done.), being freelance photographer, and now, I trying to be food blogger which is same with my culinary education in Senior High School. Well, I do my hobbies be my job, so don't surprise if I my friends called me "Orang sibuk" aka busy girl.

And for sure, I like eating & cooking too! Like what I said in the top, I had my education in culinary. So yeah, I can cook and I want to be chef in the future, beside be photographer, dancer, and writer in the same time (HAHA!).

So, in this blog, I'll post everything what I know about food. My recipe, some restaurant, and any place which is connecting with the food, so you can search for some recommendation here! Especially who life in Jabodetabek, Indonesia.

Beside this blog, I'll make the vlog on youtube in Bahasa for sure cause I'm from Indonesia, but for this blog, I'll write with English languages for everyone in another world can read and visiting my lovely country, Indonesia. And I hope you guys can enjoy it like I enjoy do my job:).

That's a little bit of my description, so, enjoy this blog, and my vlog (coming soon) on youtube. And I so excited to share all of this with you, Thank you!

Full of Heart

Find me on social media!
Instagram : filipiphoebe
Snapchat : filipiphoebe


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