#CreationbyPhoebe - "Green Salad with Orange Sunkist and Honey Vinaigrette".

Hello, guys! Today I wanna to share my recipe which this recipe I used for my final exam in Senior High School (fyi : I'm school at culinary school), and it's delicious especially for you who love salad / vegan. It's easy to make and to prepare too.. So, yeah.. let's check this recipe and enjoy :) INGREDIENTS : GREEN SALAD - Mixed Green Salad (or you can use : lettuce, romaine or any leaf green vegetable for salad) - Orange (peel the skin, and cut the orange follow the shape) HONEY VINAIGRETTE - Pure Honey - Rice White Vinegar - Honey - Lemon - Salt & Pepper OPTIONAL - Red Chili Flakes - Nuts (Almond, Walnut) - Dill (for garnish) HOW TO MAKE : 1. Built your green salad on the bowl if you want just mixed it or platting it on the plate to small bite (check the picture). 2. Put your orange on the top of your green salad. 3. For dressing : mix pure honey, rice white vinegar, honey (1 : 1 : 1), with salt & pepper, squeeze of lemon juice...